Launch of virtual anatomy


For the past 18 months, the development team here at Singular Health has been dedicated to the design and development of our Singular Volumetric Rendering Platform. This platform allows for the conversion of Digital Imaging and Communication Of Medical (DICOM) data files from the three orthagonal views (top, side and front views) in 2D into immersive 3-dimensional models with volume, density and the ability to be viewed in Virtual Reality.

Our flagship product, MedVR, has been used in numerous hospitals and educational institutions in Australia, South Africa, Singapore and Europe. Using an Oculus Rift S headset, MedVR has provided medical practitioners with a highly capable visualisation system for surgical planning and review (non-diagnostic).

Based off the 3D toolset of MedVR, Virtual Anatomy is designed to provide students with a way to improve their anatomy learning, and give educators a modern platform to teach from. The software is not designed, nor intended, for diagnostic use or even surgical planning but rather the easier visualisation of complex anatomical structures to improve comprehension and spatial awareness of the subject of the medical images.

What Can I Use It For?

Whilst radiologists, dentists and doctors are all highly proficient in the interpretation of 2D medical imagery, students aren’t as well versed in radiology and don’t see the world in 2D. Medical professionals are much more adept at spatial visualisation and the conversion (in their own head) of the three orthagonal views into 3D than most patients, therefore our program is primarily intended to assist non-medical people to visualise their own scans in a much more familiar 3-dimensional manner and improve their comprehension of the pathologies. 

You can view a sneak preview of how the software works here in our Software Preview.